We slept for a few hours and got up at 12.30 midnight to get ready for the climb to the peak. You've got to make it there by sunrise.It was dark...and i held on to my guide's hand and followed him up (i didn't use the rope). My oh my...only when you're coming down..you'll be saying *damn ! did i climed that steep hill to go up* . You gotta see it to say it. We reached Sayat Sayat and countinued the climb. It was cold, kinda hard to breathe and foggy. It was also drizzling. We took plenty pics and stood amazed looking at God's wonderful art. You feel fullfilment when u reach up...trust me

The climb down was exciting yet hard. We used rope. After reaching Gunting Lagadan we packed everything and started our journey downhill. Damn....our knees felt like they're coming off ! Adding to the pain...stairs...and more stairs. We walked slowly and and gave each other support. Upon reaching Timpohon at 6pm...we were half dead. The hired van took us home and we reached around 9 pm. Took shower and slept like logs. For few days we were walking like someone who just gave birth to triplets...very slowly...holding on to the stairs (we stayed in a double story house)or anything reachable to hold on to. Our remedy - walk backwards...cos the pain'll be less. Fuhh...then came cursing and vows telling ourselves that's the first and last time we climb Mount Kinabalu. Yet...no matter how hard it was....it was one of many the most valuable memories we had in Sabah...

Hmm...would i do it again...? Naahhhh...i'll pass...hehehehe...