Sen'Station....I write to understand as much as to be understood ...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This is the JICA bus. We usually take this bus to Ibaraki. Should learn time management from them.. ;) Mycal Ibaraki is the place we go to get dinner or stuff to cook. There is a kitchen at Jica so we bought fish and cooked there. Many of our friends bawak provision dari all the segera segera stuff... so... nothing much needed la...The guys lagi advance daripada gals...beras, itu ini..semua complete. Fuhh...hebat ! Since kelas selalu habis lambat, travelling dan penat...we usually opt for the famous Maggi...tapi kekadang jemu gak !
Bila laaaa nak balik Mesia...aku rindu kan nasi lemakkkkkkkkk....