It's been a customary for all the ex & current BPPK staffs/ friends to get-together for buka puasa during Ramadhan. It's good we could make time to catch up with one another..Wan was also in town attending a course. So it was Ezly & family, Syeera & Jude, Vicky, Wan, Pokchek, Lokman, Tan and yours truly... Too bad Jaf & Deanna (& their respective families) could not join us. Perhaps next time yea...
We also celebrated Wan's advance birthday ...we had such a good time... ! Thanx everyone. May our friendship last forever !
Have a Blessed Ramadhan !
all of us |
our heroes |
tan, syeera & jude |
Ezly & Family |
chit chat time |
Syeer & the kids |
Sen & Vick |
Birthday boy... |