Being an ardent fan of Korean Drama... i am currently hooked to "I'm Sorry...I Love You" on 8tv every weekdays from 7 to 8 pm. My friend told me the ending is sad...yet i am going to continue watching it till the end...the title itself was nice..and i can't wait to finish the episodes...

Spoilers :
Speaking of favourite channels include StarWorld,AXN,Hallmark...ntv7 and 8tv. While i turn to Starworld, Hallmark and AXN for my daily dose of favourite shows like CSI, House, Lipstick Jungle, Army Wives...I love our own NTV7 and 8TV...very much for showing Grey's Anatomy (latest season), Cashmere Mafia, Beverly Hills 90210 reruns, Criminal Minds, Shark, Burn Notice, Bones (latest season), Ugly Betty, Korean & Japanese drama and many more new shows NOT AVAILABLE on other paid channels. Thank you ntv7 & 8tv...
Btw...last weekend i was lucky to see and hear my idol speak Tamil for the first time in my life (on TV2)...Wow...Kudos to our own Prince Of Fashion..loved everything you said ;)