Thank you cik Diyana & family...
Arigato gozaimaz Lokman-san
Made that of feeling is friendship,
In which unfamiliar becomes familiar,
That which is expressed through eyes,
That twinkle like stars is friendship, That laughs in difficulties is friendship
Thank You For Everything...Love You..All De' Best & See U In april 2009...
Ini pula hidangnyer...
Lemang dan Rendang Tok ( wa tak makan laa.. so tatau sedap tak)
Nasi Bryani dan Ayam Masak Merah (sedap lorrr)
Saaataaayyy....( wa sukaaaaaa)
Kuih muih.dan..biskut raya
Meja VIP ( bos gue la tuuu)
Ini laa bos gua...Haji Jamaludin Yahaya
Besday cake dr Secret Recipe (to celebrate besday staf yang lahir bulan July to Sept)
Below : my Keluarga BPPK
Hope u enjoyed.... ;) XOXO...Sen
TZP being an impressive debut by aamir tells the story of eight year old Ishaan who suffers dyslexia and how a wonderful teacher saves him ... a beautifully scripted movie with compatible cinematograhy and showcased a brilliant performance by the young Darsheel Safary (playing Ishaan). I read today that TZP has been selected as India's official entry to the Oscars this year in the best foreign film category. Well deserved indeed. I wish that more movies as such will be made in coming years... quality movies with great storyline..
Loved tis painting of Ishaan by his teacher Ram Shanker Nikumbh...Every child is special